Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Boot Camp - get on with it!

Get into your production groups - teams of 2 (will allow 3 in some cases). Create your Group Blog

1. Individual: Goodwin analysis - 9 frame stills from Music Videos with some form of commentary
Analysis - purpose/meaning (remember a music video only exists to create an Image or Brand Identity & to sell to an audience = Punks, Chavs, Hipsters, Indiekids etc)

Choose 1 of each of Firths 3 types of music videos (Performance, Narrative & Conceptual)

2. Document all of the following with screen shots and commentary on your blog - without it you are loosing marks!

Find an artists with an existing audience using social networks - must be UNSIGNED. 

Examine who their audience is (click on links and look at their friends - what fashion, values, aspirations do they have - how will this affect your concept)

Pick a track - a good moody song ith atmosphere & strong beat to work to - lyrics are secondary. Pick something that IS NOT about relationships or 'having fun' - very difficult to have a hyper-real idea for & will turn out amateurish!

Get the audience and class to help you decide wghich is the best choice for you to come with ideas for

Individually - Brainstorm a concept as we practiced with Teardrop - close your eyes and list as many descriptive words a possible. Dont work with their lyrics, work with the mood and music - themes.

Listen to the track several times & write down what you see in your Mind's eye - location, what makes it hyper-real, characters, lighting, story...

Create a collage of all the aspects you visualised in your head - the concept. Post this to your blog and label it as your own work.

As a group: Discuss the strongest ideas in you team, contact the client and pitch them the idea (email - Be safe: do not meet them unless you know them)

Film or animate a Test sequence (few seconds) to demonstrate your concept

3. Hot Chip 30 second edit (individual). Log in as A2 Media (a2password). 

"Hot Chip alias' purple file on desktop. Import files into new Final Cut project.

Cut it so it is lip synched, beat edited and a shot for shot match for the example below.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Intertextuality - where have you read/heard this before in Boot Camp?

So where do Ideas & Creativity come from?

Image & Concept - for you to think about

Goodwin Analysis - Kasabian LSF

Use Goodwin to analyse the following music video:

For each section identify the characteristics (D)
Analyse the purpose of each characteristic - meaning? (C)
Explain how this concept creates an Image for the band (B)
Justify why this is appealing to the target audience & who they are? (A)